It seems like yesterday....well..kind of sort of. ( this may be a long post )
Monday is Rebecca's birthday-she will be 15 years old. Although, she is a young lady, I still long to hold her and to hug her and tell her that I loved her so much, I was willing to give her only the best--which was I was unable to do in 1993.
There is nothing harder in this world than letting go of someone you love so much, that words could never express the depth of it. The day I placed my daughter was the saddest day in my life thus far. To walk away and look back hoping and praying that I was making the right decision. To hope that one day this little girl would be able to forgive me, but most of all, to tell me that she grew up in the happiest of homes.
I told both of my boys' about their sister about 5 years ago. After seeing her picture and them asking who she was, I decided it was time. Wrong or right.
At first they asked tons of questions. "mama, did you love her?", "mama, can we go visit her?", "mama, did you name her?" and then "mama, why did you give her away?". Although, I've never...ever used the term give away..I guess that is how they saw it.
GOD has been so good to me in these last 15 years...YES, the pain is still there, but the sacrifice is even greater. I do have hope that I will get to meet her once again and that we will have a relationship.
Picking my daughter's parents also was one of the hardest things I've done in my life. How do you pick a couple to parent your child? God played such a huge part in my daughter's adoption & for that, I thank him everyday.

I've got this pink, floral fabric box with all of her things in it. One day, I hope to hand her this box.

Rebecca went to be with her forever family on Sunday, October 17, 1993.
Hi Jennifer,
I stumbled across your blog while reading others tonight!
I must say that this was very touching to me....I cried. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story. I'm am sure that God is taking really good care of your little Rebecca. I really really enjoyed reading this. God bless you and your family. I'll stop by again soon. Have a great weekend.
I cannot imagine the pain you went through, the pain you still feel. I too hope you get to meet her again one day. I hope you're still blogging when it happens so we can hear all about it! Happy birthday to you and your daughter, wherever she may be!
I tink you are more than courageous. That was one amazing act of loving sacrifice. God bless your sweet heart. I am in awe of those who do this. It is the most beautiful kind of love. I know God will grant you all your heart's desires one day.
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us, allowing us a glimpse into such a personal time of your life.
I am praying that you will one day meet your beautiful daughter, face to face.
YES, it's me! (I think.. hehe) I'm in line to get mine made over too. (I think I'm number 23 right now) How COOL that we're gonna get them at the same time!!
Also, HAPPY BIRTDHAY to your Rebecca!!! Our Zach will be 11 on TUESDAY! They ALMOST shared a birthday. =-)
Hey Jennifer!
Please tell your sweet girl "Happy Birthday" for us??
(Thanks for the b'day wishes for Zach too) You're so sweet! =-)
What a very special post . . . it had me in tears. :) Having adopted a child myself - I know what a gift you gave that family. What a selfless act of LOVE!
Happy Birthday to Rebecca! I am sure she feels your love. May God bless you greatly.
Not sure how I missed this last week. I can not even imagine what you have lived with for the last 15 years. So thankful that you have God. He knows your heart. Praying His best for both of you, that He would graciously grant you your hearts desire someday.
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