I feel like I've been gone for a long...long time. But, I've been around...keeping up with you all and praying for all of you. I'm typing this post because I feel like someone out there reading this is needing a gentle reminder of how amazing God's love is for us. I've been praying for some time now for God to change my heart and to change who I am...to bring glory to God. If you understand your purpose, you'll know where your going. Establish a purpose and walk in that purpose.
YES, God does answer prayers! He answers us! God's unfailing love desires nothing short than the absolute best. Thankfully, when we think we know best, He gives us the answers. Of course, we can't see that until the situation has passed.
His amazing love knew what was best--all along.
"So, next time you fail to get the answer you want or the next time you feel like God is simply being quiet, set your concerns aside and trust Him. With time, you'll see protection & divine hand in your situation."
"God stands to gain nothing from us, but we stand to gain EVERYTHING from Him!"
Pray faithfully seeking the Holy Spirit's help. Ephesians 6:18
A few words spoken from the heart, speaks volumes.
God is faithful as we depend on Him daily for answers.
When we WILL to pray, God's WILL is done.
Remember His Sufficiency......
During difficult times, our human instinct is to turn from God and focus on self-sufficiency. Of course, as Christians, we know that these are the times to draw closer to God and we ask for his daily sustenance. These are the times for prayer--constant prayer.
True possibility.....
Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible, but with God, everything is possible" Matthew 19:26.
Spaghetti Thinking....
15 years ago
I'm so thankful that when I hit rock bottom of burn out He held onto me and brought me to a place where I could only cry out to Him...I knew I had hit a new rock bottom for me. He is so faithful! Great post Jennifer!
There's not a pit anywhere that's too deep for God to pull us out...all we have to do is reach up!
I'm so glad you posted...what a great word!
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