Sunday, August 9, 2009

Giving up on a new look

Well, I'm still on a waiting list to get a blog-makeover. After all said and done it's going to be $85.00. I just can't do it! For $85.00--I can get new bedding and the new lamps that I want from Hobby for now, I'll keep what I have. Sorry, to those of you in the blogging makeover business---I just can't do it.


pam said...

WOW....make your way to Hobby Lobby...that sounds like a great deal. And I would be very sad to see your gorgeous header always makes me so happy. Hope you have a grand week Jennifer

Beth E. said...

I know what you mean...I just can't spend that kind of money! Perhaps there are some who don't cost so much?

You have a very pretty blog, though, so I wouldn't be concerned about it!


luvmy4sons said...

I haven't been by in awhile. I like the new look! I thought I had you on my google reader so I would know when you post something new...must have gone wrong somehow. Glad I stopped in on my own!