Sunday, June 8, 2008

Meet my son Jacob

Morning or feels so great to sleep late. :)

I'm going to talk about about my son, Jacob. He's 11 soon to be 12. a lot of other kids he acts like he's 18..already. Poor kid has so many nicknames.."peanut", "shake-n-bake", "jake", but the best one of them all is..."POOKA BEAR"..and of course this is the one that gets him embarrased the most. So, we tend to keep that within our home...of course.

This kiddo has so much energy and zest! It tires me just to talk about him....right now...he's out and about with his friends. He'll be back shortly with the whole gang..looking for something to eat and to drink. As soon as his feet hit the floor, he's gone. We miss our snuggle time already! Although Joe gets more time than I do with him in the evening time...after his "batteries" have run down.

This sweet but yet little stinker enjoys so many different things.

Skateboarding ( his favoriote), music, guitars, video games, his friends, swimming, outside, being in the woods, looking for strange bugs outside, catching frogs and bringing them in the house..asking if he can keep them..and then having to take them back outside to let them go...his dog, and lately, eating...eating everything in sight. He'a a snacker....sorta of still picky...but he's getting better. I thought this kid would never...ever...outgrow Ramen noodles....but thankfully, he's spanding his choices. He's always been a picky eater---he actually likes chicken & dumplins--I'm surprised. Cornbread & you can see...his choices are getting better :) When asked what his favoriote meal is..he will tell you in a short minute...."breakfast". This kid can grub on some breakfast food.

This kid is very thoughtful---and loving---in his own way. He doesn't leave the house or end a phone call without saying.."I Love You"..which melts my heart Joe and I get to hear this at least 20 times a day. We're proud of him to know that he knows who his GOD is and he can go to HIS GOD at any time. He knows his prayers understands somewhat the importance of his sacraments.

He's got a heart that's as big as I don't know what. He loves animals--all kinds. He doesn't like to see anyone or anything hurt, disabled, angry, upset, sad, hungry or thirsty. He will offer his own shirt off of his back if need be. This used to upset me because well..he would always end up going without when it came time to sharing..if there wasn't enough. He is going to make sure everyone is full and happy before he digs in.

We are proud of our "Jacob" --this kid "never ceases to amaze me".

Until next time--peace be with you.

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