Sunday, March 1, 2009

Does this kid need a haircut or what?


Daphine said...

lol! Good luck!

pam said...

it seems to be the thing again, always or something..recently I admired the gorgeous long hair of two kids from behind thinking how lucky those girls were to have such beautiful hair ONLY to realize they were boys. So glad I didn't say anything embarrassing.

Beth E. said...

Haha! He's adorable. Don't tell him that I called him that, though...most guys don't like to be called adorable. LOL

Bo's hair looks the same way. *sigh*

luvmy4sons said...

Well...this is a battle I have fought and still fight...and wonder if I should. So let me knwo how it goes! LOL!

Anonymous said...

yes..yes.. absolutely yes.. lol

Beth E. said...

Just stopped by to say hello and let you know that I miss you! Hope to read one of your great posts very soon. :o)

Beth E.