Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Birthmother's day

Have you ever heard of this day?

Me? Never. Not until October 13, 1993.

I wonder if the child I gave birth to, thinks about me? Probably not, and really, I would rather her think of her "mother" as the only mother she has. I'm the young lady who chose to give her life....God used me to bless a couple that could not have their own child. Now that at times is hard to digest. To think He chose me...of all the other women out there to go through an emotional roller coaster, tears & more tears. I do belive my prayers have been answered...not for sure when, but I feel healed as of right NOW. I've cried out to God many many many nights asking God why me...why me..why me? Many many times I heard God over and over....one day you will realize the greatest blessing I have used you for. And I in return, will bless you. Yep..I heard this...more than once.

I've asked for updates and received none.

But, I 'm okay with this now. God has reminded me that one day, he will give me an opportunity to meet this "child"..but for now, he has asked me to leave this in HIS hands...and so I do.

Here are a couple of pictures that I copied off of her Myspace:

Dear Elaine,

I hope that Rebecca continues to bless you daily. I hope & pray that she in return continues to bring you happiness and joy and has made your family complete.

I hope that your Mother's Day this Sunday will be a reminder that your prayers along with mine were answered. I'm thankful that we were able to answer each other's prayer. God is amazing and he is so good to us!

Happy Mother's Day,

Love Jennifer


pam said...

You are precious to Him, His beloved.

Daphine said...

Beautiful post friend! Thanks so much for sharing something that is so close to your heart, but also something that is so personal.

PS...Morgan did well at Braum's. Thanks so much for asking! I will be posting about the details soon.

Take care and continue to be blessed friend!

More Than Words said...

Hi there!!
Through all the hurt and tears, you made the ultimate sacrifice as a mother.

She's a beautiful girl!!

luvmy4sons said...

You chose to give life when you could have ended one. That took a lot of courge! A LOT! I think that is amazing! Sarah waited 25 years for her son after he was promised. I don't know when or if you will receive the blessing here on this earth from your willingness to sacrifice to choose life, but I know that we reap what we sow. And you sowed something wonderful! God bless you sweet heart.

Beth E. said...

What a touching post! Praise God you chose to give LIFE! You are a true blessing.

What a wonderful letter you wrote to Rebecca's mom.
