Meet my son, Joshua aka, Josh. He's 14 and headed to high school (sigh) and is so excited he can hardly stand it. Because he knows that he's getting close to being at the age he can work & drive.(another sigh)
Josh has a lot of friends (both girls & guys) and has yet to have his first girlfriend...well at least not that I know of. (smile) He tells me that he's too busy..could be..but I think it is because he is shy.
He enjoys school..and it is very important to him to make straight A's. (atta boy)
This young'n lives for football. One of his goals is to play college ball. His coach/trainer doesn't think he will have a problem at all and in fact, states he will have a hard time in deciding who to play for with all the "letters of interest" he suspects he will get. His trainer played for the Redskins, has a son who plays for the Colts and has two younger boys who play college ball....Texas Tech and Baylor...I think he's got an awesome trainer. Do you sense a little excitement here???
He tells me he wants to be an Orthopedic surgeon...he wants to break bones and put them back together. Oh goodness!
Josh loves his Lord & Savior and is always ready to go to church. I sometimes wonder if he will go into vocations....I'm times, it crosses my mind. Church is very important to him.
I'm very proud of him...can you tell?
But most important of all.......Josh belongs to God and I pray for God's perfect plan for my son. So, as I stand by, believing, hoping, and praying for my son, I trust that God will guide him and in return Josh will always love HIM first.
Sounds like a good foundation has been laid... he's so cute.
Sounds like a wonderful boy!! Smart & athletic, but more importantly, loves the Lord!!!!!
Forget having a girlfriend....that will just be more of a distraction! LOL
Sounds like he's got his head on straight! And you should be a proud momma! WOW! This is great! Keep it up Josh!
It's me again....
Happy Mother's Day friend!
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