My last post brings me into this post. Fasting.
Outside of the traditional holiday fasting, I'm reading about fasting. The different kings of fasting. Learning about the spiritual benefits of fasting. I did not realize how many times "fasting" is mentioned in the bible and how many different variations of fasting there are. I love the thought of fasting for my Heavenly Father, giving HIM all the glory and getting closer to HIM. Truly religious fasting can provide us with opportunities to restore our sense of human identity in many different ways. Our basic identity as creatures of a loving GOD is revealed in fasting. Jesus himself points this out when Satan tempts him to eat during his fast in the desert. Our Lord responds with the words of Scripture: "One does not live by bread alone, but every word that comes forth from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4) Fasting is a bodily reminder that food and all the other necessities of our physical existence are really secondary to God's care for us.
In conclusion to all of this, the purpose of fasting is to help the soul turn back to
God through a conversion of the heart. We need constantly to ask the Spirit's help in teaching us how to fast as well as how to pray and care for our sisters and brothers.
Since I am diabetic, I know that I won't be able to fast perhaps like Esther did for 3 days or like Moses for 40 days, but I do plan on a fast real soon. I won't mention when or for how long, but I will mention the reward. I know there will be a wonderful outcome to my fast.....just knowing that my fast will move me closer to God is all I'm hoping for. Please share your thoughts on fasting with me. I love love love reading your comments.
Spaghetti Thinking....
15 years ago
We have seen amazing breakthroughs in our family through fasting. There are all kinds of glad God is not legalistic about it. :) There have been times when my husband has fasted alone as the head of the household. Other times we have joined corporate fasts at churches. Getting that focus on Him...sometimes it is easier than other times. Looking forward to what God does in your life through fasting.
For several years I fasted from cokes starting each January for 40 days. I am addicted to cokes and usually must have one if not two a day. The first time that I fasted from coke, it was VERY VERY difficult and caused many headaches. However, God really came through for me on a few issues at hand and at the time. There are many things you can fast from, it doesn't have to be food either. I feel that it's whatever we feel that we can't live without is what we could fast from in order to get closer to him. My best friend fasted from watching tv for 40 days at one time. Honestly, fasting from the tv wouldn't be a big deal to me since I don't watch it anyway. Sorry to ramble....Hope this helps!
Good luck!
Shame on me! I only have a stomach problem and give up fasting while you, with that diabetic, still struggle to do it. I am very ashamed.
I want to learn fasting since I really want to get close to Him. I sometimes confused because there are a lot of fasting type and I do not know which one should I choose.
Excellent post! Daphine said almost exactly what I was going to say regarding fasting. :o) I totally agree with what she said.
You asked about my purse. Yes, I have changed from a shoulder bag to a handbag...hate it. But, I'm still dealing with all of the neck/shoulder mess, so I'll just have to adjust, won't I?!
Funny. I am fasting today. Not for spiritual reasons. I fast for health reasons too. Once a month I will drink water till dinner and then just drink vegetable juices before bed. When I have fasted for spiritual reasons I have found that the lack of busyness of not fixing food and eating it allowed me to focus more. I also used hunger pangs to remind me to pray about the issue for which I was fasting. So I prayed a lot more. I did get very hungry and I found that the hunger drove me to feel closer to God. I have fasted on two or three different occasions for three days( that is the longest I have ever fasted). The second day being hardest...but usually if I am called to fast it seems a whole lot easier than I would have imagined. And those three times produced amazing results in the situation. It was for other people's problems, not my own. I think it is important not to think that you can more likely get what you want if you fast and pray...I think it should be something that God impresses upon you to do-then be obedient. He will help you and protect you through it. Ask for wisdom on this subject and He will give you wisdom for is important, I think, not to put on others what God has impressed upon you about this subject. Blessings to you. And so far...not even hungry yet body needed this fast.
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