I guess you could say. The kids are snoozing away, so thankful they have no school today. Too bad there is no snow to go with this ice...at least it would make being iced in a little better. I think days like this make the cup of coffee taste better-HA!
Have you bought your Girl Scouts cookies yet??? I love em...I love em..I love em!
Now just waiting for delivery--awww I love the lemon ones....what's your favorite?
Well, I guess I better head out to work. Thankfully, I only work about 3-5 minutes from where we live....so hopefully I won't slip n slide.
Spaghetti Thinking....
15 years ago
I can't remember the last time a Girl Scout actually showed up on my doorstep trying to sell me some..gone are the days I guess. My daughter bought some at work...maybe that's how everybody sells them now...it often seems like the whole world works. They're missing out with me or maybe God is keeping us from the temptation...oh the Shortbread ones. My husband loved the Mint and maybe a Peanut Butter one. I don't know that I've even had a Lemon kind. Now I think I better go have some breakfast. :)
They used to make some low-fat lemon cookies that I loved. I didn't see them last year, though. Our entire family fights over the Thin Mints! Yummm...
Hope your day at home has been a good one. I would've just stayed in my pj's all day. lol
They used to make some low-fat lemon cookies that I loved. I didn't see them last year, though. Our entire family fights over the Thin Mints! Yummm...
Hope your day at home has been a good one. I would've just stayed in my pj's all day. lol
I'd love to work just minutes away from home! I hope you made it in without any problems. I was two hours late!
I haven't bought GS cookies in a while now. I love the All Abouts. They are butter cookies with chocolate on top.
There is ice everywhere here too! Ho hum...lots of days cooped up inside together. But they went sledding yesterday and again today!
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